by dan | Jan 1, 2017 | News
Don’t worry – I haven’t forgotten about LoreGen! It’s just been a busy several months, and it’s been put on the backburner. I recently started a new job as a full time .NET software developer, which I’ve really enjoyed. It’s...
by dan | Sep 29, 2016 | News
Hey LoreGen friends – I’m back! It was a whirlwind summer for me personally, and the autumn promises to be just as tumultuous in many regards. I’m starting a new job for the first time in six years; this will be my first job change since I graduated...
by dan | Aug 11, 2016 | News
Hey LoreGen friends — My real job demands virtually all of my attention during the summer. I should be back with updates some time in September! Thanks.
by dan | Jun 10, 2016 | How It Works
This is a series about the basic components of a world generated LoreGen. Updated as of version 0.12 Shapes and Boundaries A basic assumption that I made when designing the framework of LoreGen: to create visually interesting worlds, you need to have a system for...
by dan | Jun 6, 2016 | How It Works
This is a series about the basic components of a world generated by LoreGen. Updated as of version 0.12 Sample World Beginning with this post, I will use a sample world to demonstrate each step of LoreGen’s worldbuilding process. The seed I am using for this...